- Chenxu Wang, Fengwei Zhang, Yunjie Deng, Kevin Leach, Jiannong Cao, Zhenyu Ning, Shoumeng Yan, Zhengyu He. CAGE: Complementing Arm CCA with GPU Extensions. Proceedings 2024 Network and Distributed System Security Symposium, 2024.


  1. Shadow task mechanism (smaller TCB)
  2. Leverage native GPC support for GPU execution isolation

GPU Workflow

	participant R as realm user 
	participant G as untrusted GPU software
	participant C as Monitor
	R->>G: GPU task code<br/>+ descriptions of data buffers
	R->>G: signatures of <br/>code and realm descriptions<br/>for integrity verification
	activate G
	Note over G: construct a stub execution environment<br/>(metadata, GPU buffers, and GPU page table)
	deactivate G
	C->>G: Creates a real GPU environment<br/>to replace the stub one
	C->>G: submit the real GPU task<br/>to the GPU
	activate G
	Note over G: computes sensitive data<br/>and stores results in realm
	deactivate G
	R->>G: Retrieves the data<br/>via secure channel

Shadow task mechanism

Stub GPU task

  • Has the same structure as a normal GPU task (e.g., GPU buffers, metadata, and GPU page table) but does not contain any sensitive data
  • We require the GPU software on the host to create and manage the stub GPU task during the confidential GPU computing without frequent interactions with the hypervisor, the monitor, and the realms.

Real GPU task

  • Includes sensitive data to be processed on the GPU
  • Monitor replace the stub task with the real task data and synchronize data-independent operations to the real task.

Synchronizing the page table of the real task with the stub task

  • ☹️ copying the entire stub table to the real one
  • ☹️ synchronously replaying the operations on the stub table to the real one
  • Since GPU software doesn’t update GPU page table during execution, replay the previous operations on the stub table to the real one asynchronously
  • GPU software records the new or updated entries of the stub page table in batch then submits them to the Monitor

Two-way isolation: Through GPT configurations

CPU GPT & untrusted peripheral GPT (From CPU&Peripheral)

  • Since Metadata and code buffers are reused, these regions are configured as realm in CPU GPU and peripheral GPTs.
  • The address of the reused metadata and code buffers can be compromised. Must check whether these regions overlap with other realm or root regions.


  • Each realm has unique GPU GPT, strictly isolated from other regions.
  • Only allow access to the realm, reused metadata and code buffers

Problems: How can we extend the support of GPU acceleration to Arm CCA?

  • While CCA provides strong data security and enables confidential computing on next-generation Arm devices, the support for GPUs is only recently proposed.
  • Such support, called RME Device Assignment (RME-DA), is currently a high-level concept without completed hardware implementation.
  • Currently, CCA design characterizes the GPU as an untrusted peripheral on which data security is not guaranteed. As a result, if realms use the GPU for computation, their sensitive data can be accessed by the adversary who controls the GPU via compromised software

Recent study

  • ACAI: proposes a similar design to RME-DA
    • ☹️ Its protection mechanism requires non-trivial modification on RMM.
    • ☹️ It introduces heavyweight GPU software to realm’s TCB.
  • Most TEE solutions for GPU rely on hardware security primitives that are not suitable for next-generation Arm devices (e.g., customized hardware, Intel-based security primitive, or traditional Arm security hardware)

Solution: CAGE

Four goals

G1. Compatibility with CCA

  • Delegate the complex but data-independent functions (memory management + task scheduling) to the untrusted GPU software stack
  • Ensure data security with a marginal increase in TCB

Shadow task mechanism

  • To achieve confidential GPU computation on Arm devices
  • The untrusted GPU software create and manage stub GPU tasks, which are securely replaced by real GPU tasks with authentic data before submission

G2. Strong data security

  • RMM isolates realms on CPU side but not GPU computation.

Two-way realm isolation on GPU

  • Leverage the GPC on CPU, GPU and untrusted peripherals.
  • Restrict access from untrusted components by configuring GPCs
  • Isolate realms in GPU by providing each realm with different GPU memory view in GPU GPC

G3. Optimized performance

  • Additional performance overhead in various GPT management

Optimization on synchronizing CPU and untrusted peripheral GPTs

Optimization on initializing GPU GPTs

G4. No hardware modification

Only GPU driver and the Monitor code is modified

Observations and Design

  1. CCA provides novel hardware-assisted security features, such as the Granule Protection Check (GPC), to flexibly isolate and protect computing on both the CPU and peripherals, and a hardware-isolated root world to configure these features. CAGE deploys its security modules in the root world Monitor, protecting GPU computation from untrusted software and peripherals.

  2. Most of the components in the GPU software stack, which perform essential functions (e.g., memory allocation and task scheduling), do not require access to sensitive data and code. CAGE delegates the untrusted GPU software to schedule confidential GPU applications without direct access to the sensitive data.


  1. Since GPU software requires frequent interaction with the GPU application, it unavoidably introduces non-negligible performance overhead due to communication with the hypervisor and world switching.

    Shadow task mechanism

  2. Arm CCA design regards the GPU device as normal world peripheral and disallows it to access the realm. Thus, it is not intended to achieve the same CPU-side isolation on GPU nor protects the GPU execution environment from various attacks. Worse, the unified-memory GPU shares the memory with the untrusted software and peripherals, exposing a large attack surface during the computing.

    Two-way isolation mechanism for GPU

  3. CAGE must create multiple Granule Protection Tables (GPTs) for the corresponding GPCs and synchronize these GPTs during the GPU environment protection, generating additional performance overhead.

    Optimization techniques in GPT maintenance



Arm Accelerators